About Me

Hey Viewers!

It's me, Carlye, that girl that from YouTube

Yes, its that girl. And thanks for stumbling upon my blog in my little corner of the internet. 
I post about American Girl dolls, my life, and hobbies. (Writing)
I don't promise lots of posting, mainly because of school and my hobby.
Since I keep talking about my hobbies, why don't I do that right now. I happen to be writing a novel and a lot of the posts are snippets of my journey. You could call it that. I'm working on my first book in the series called, Shadows. If you want to learn more about the books, just tell me and I'll try to post more about the book/books.
My life motto is: Every day may not be good, but there is good in every day. I feel that we don't have enough joy in our lives and we take so many things for granted. Just because you didn't get what you wanted for your birthday, doesn't mean you aren't loved. We except so much from out parents and when they don't deliver, we're disappointed. 
My interests are:
- writing
- singing along to songs I like
- listening to music
- reading sci-fi, fantasy, or mystery books
- filming stop-motions
- photography
- filming videos in general
- collecting dolls
- dancing (not professional)
- sewing/ crafting
- watching videos on YouTube
- editing videos or pictures
- blogging
- gymnastics
- journeling
- telling others about God, (such as you guys)
I don't do small of you noticed.

People also have lots of questions about me running through their heads, so I hope these facts will shed some light on me, Carlye.

  1. My first name is Carlye
  2. I love listening to christian rock
  3. I hate hot chocolate
  4. I listen to Christmas carols year-round (I'm so evil)
  5. I love mystery books
  6. I like watching Project Mc2 on Netflix
  7. I'm a christian
  8. I live Canada
  9. My favorite kind of gum is mint
  10. I dislike wearing skirts
  11. My favorite food is ketchup
  12. I used to take gymnastics
  13. The pen I used to write this at first is a DIY
  14. I love watching DIYs
  15. I've only had Starbucks twice
  16. My favorite colors are black, white, and grey
  17. My best friend and I are very much alike
  18. I love yoga
  19. I dislike soccer with a deep hatered
  20. I'm forced to play soccer
  21. I'm a straight A student
  22. The blue DIY pen I was using just got thrown out. I've moved more than 5 times
  23. I'm allergic to cotton and dust
  24. I'm a horrid speller
  25. I'm soooo thankful for spell check
  26. I love English
  27. I want to be an author
  28. I love photography
  29. I live in British Columbia
  30. I have 7 pillows on my bed
  31. I don't have a closet
  32. My birthday is a day after my best friends
  33. I hate cats
  34. I don't really like many animals
  35. I love helping my mom clean
  36. My mom is my role model
  37. I have an older and a younger sister
  38. No brother :)
  39. my ears are pierced
  40.  I hate glasses
  41. I spend to much on YouTube
  42. I love scary stories
  43. I can hand sew
  44. This is inspired by Rasberry Rayna
  45. I was using a Pentel Liquid Gel ink 0.7mm ball point pen that has red energel in it
  46. I love cupcakes
  47. I have really big hand writing
  48. I cant draw worth beans
  49. I once drew an ostrich with 4 legs
  50. half way there
  51. I don't mind the sound of nails on a chalkboard
  52. My pet peeve is people chewing in my ear
  53. I didn't think I'd get this far
  54. I'l probably get ink poisening someday
  55. I like drawing on my hand
  56. We have a male fish named sparkels
  57. I like folding towels
  58. I own like, 12+ scarves
  59. I hate the color pink, yet I wear it
  60. I like Sci-Fi books
  61. Celtic women are my favorite singers
  62. I just absentmindedly drew a smiley face on my hand
  63. i don't celebrate halloween
  64. I actaully don't really mid math
  65. I love learning random facts
  66. i have no crushes
  67. I kissed a boy in KG
  68. No boys like me (or so I think)
  69. I love love love mint candy canes
  70. I've almost filled 2 pages (In my notebook)
  71. I'm currently writing a story
  72. I love the name Zoey
  73. I want blue and green gel pens
  74. I love coloring, It's so relaxing
  75. I listen to random songs by random people
  76. I used to have braces
  77. I bite my nails (as 2017)
  78. I have long thick hair
  79. I don't erase, I'll either scribble over it out or write over top it
  80. I love sleeping, who doesn't?
  81. You're probably skipping over some facts
  82. I really like typing on laptops
  83. I only paint my toenails
  84. I have a cowboy hat
  85. I wear my braid every day
  86. I hate romance books
  87. I cant keep secrets
  88. I know how to crush a windpipe
  89. When I was younger, I wanted to take ballet
  90. I took piano for 6 months before I quit
  91. I don't really like sports
  92. I can speak french
  93. When I doodle, I tune people out
  94. I'm almost done
  95. It was 11 pm when I wrote this in my notebook
  96. I cant think of anything else
  97. I love to edit and film
  98. I hate french
  99. I can tune people really easy
  100. I'm finished!


  1. carlye #20 is not true!!! and im not so sure about #68 either haha just kidding..


Photo-shoot+ Break Annoucment

Hello dears, how is your summer going? I have a special announcement coming up at the end of this post, so stay tuned for that. Anyway, I w...