Friday, November 24, 2017

Trying to Trust part 1

Trying to Trust 
Part 1
You can click on the picture to enlarge it

Lea's POV
I woke up to the sound of my alarm.

 Sweating, I climbed out of bed. It was just a bad dream. It wasn't real. 

  Josie walked into my room.
 "Oh, you're already up?"

 "Yeah, why?" I questioned.

 "Nothing," she answered as she walked away.
Okay, I thought
Meeting Alex on the deck was usually the highlight of my day. But for some reason I wasn't really the excited.
Alex's POV
 When I saw Lea, I expected her to smile. All I got as a slight upturned lip. 
"Hey Lea. Can we cancel game night with Liz and Josie? I'm really busy tonight."
Sadness flashed in her eyes.
"Sure. We'll just have it tomorrow."
"Great, thanks"
She didn't hear the last part though. I could hear feet slapping the deck floor as she ran away.

Josie's POV
"Good morning family, I made boiled eggs and pop tarts today."

Lea murmured a thanks through a yawn as she snagged a pop tart

 . Liz turned on the TV and flipped to the news channel.

 The news host announced that someone had broken into the museum and stole some ancient coins. A picture flashed across the screen.

"This is an image that was sent to the police of the suspect."

Lea's POV

I can't believe it, I really can't.

  I could feel the color drain  from my face.

  I had to sit down to keep from fainting.

 He was... He was...

Part 2 coming soon

I hope you enjoyed the first part of Trying to Trust. I'm already working on part 2 so stay tuned.


Thursday, November 23, 2017

Working on my series

I've been working super hard on my series, and today I finished making one of the main characters. Here is the finished product:

Sneak peek: Her name is Claudia is she isn't a goth
(I might post some posts about writing my novel)

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Monday, November 20, 2017

New Character!

I'm borrowing my friend's doll Julie for one of the main character, just imagine her with streaks of color in her hair.

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Big news

No video this week because I'm planning something epic! Totally Epic!
Special thing #1) I'm planning a stop-motion series on YouTube (No sneak peeks:)
Special thing #2) I'm starting a photo-series thing (Every week or so I'll post a section on the series)
Special thing #3 It's not that special) I'm not going to upload every week but I'll upload whenever I can. Probably every 10 days or so.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

More pictures

Updates: I'm going to start a stop-motion series. I'm just about to post another photo shoot, and I'm also going to make a page with 80+ facts about me.

Monday, November 13, 2017

interview with RandomDoll Studios

Disclaimer: This was inspired by RainFlower8

Let's dive right into it. 

SFS: Who are all your dolls?
RDS: (In the order I got them) 
Rose Abby Wild. She is a My AG, but I don't know what number. Katy Clara Maple. She is a renamed kit doll. Caitlin Ava Clarkson. She is a renamed Lea GOTY 2017Madeleine Amy Larkin. She is a renamed Maryellen doll. And yes, Caitlin, Katy, and Rose's middle names (and kind of Maddy and Caitlin's first name too) are inspired by the best series on AGtube, can you guess which one? I also have a pleasant company Samantha, and a pleasant company just like you doll that I named Cheyenne. I just use them as background characters. 
SFS: How do you handle AG Tube, family events, and school?
RDS: Uh, I don't really know, I just kind of film when I have time, and I write down my homework in a plane so I know what I have to do for the week. 
SFS: Can you give tips to other AG Tubers? (saving for a doll, filming... etc)
RDS: For video tips, i guess just remember the basic stuff, like good lighting, a steady camera, an interesting storyline, and also, take care of your dolls, like brush their hair begore filming, dress them in outfits that go with the video, and all that stuff. And for saving up for an AG, you can maybe do chores around the house, and your parents might give you money, but also just be patient, like if you have an allowance you can save it up and before you know it, you'll have enough to buy a doll!  Also take advantage on sales because who doesn't like sales? Finally, my last tip is just don't worry about subscribers, if you comment nice things on people's videos, maybe they'll check out your channel, and you can make really good friends. You will be a lot happier if you don't worry about how many subscribers you have, or another person has, and so on. 
SFS: Do you mind how expensive AG is or are you thinking, American girl is overpriced.
RDS: Yes, AG has raised their prices a lot, and they have great quality stuff, but even sometimes when I see the new sets that are all plastic-ey its kind of sad because if they are cheaper to make, then why are they raising the prices? 
SFS: What is your favorite part of being on AG Tube and having a blog?
RDS: It's probably just being able to share my love for dolls, and photography and video making. And also being "around" people who love that too! 
SFS: What equipment do you use for filming?
RDS: I use my iPod for filming, and I use the apps Animation and iMovie for editing. 
SFS: What is your most photogenic doll and do you recommend her? 
RDS: I'd have to say either Caitlin (Lea) or Maddy (Maryellen) and I definitely recommend them! 
SFS: How did you first find out about AG Tube and what inspired you to start an account? 

RDS: I think my sister or someone showed me some stop motions on YouTube once, so one day I just looked up American girl videos and so then I got obsessed with AGTube, and I wanted to do that. So a little while later, I got and app for stop-motions, and when I found out I could post them on YouTube, I asked my mom if I could get a channel and that's kinda how it all started! 

Thank you RDS for doing this with me
If any of you want to check out her channel or blog, click onto these links

Friday, November 10, 2017

You will do wonderful things

This is actually not my doll, so I was kinda scared that she'd fall of the fence- yes, she balanced on the 5 foot fence while I stood on the trampoline. Also she went on the deck railing so I could her and the sky. I'm trying to take more photo shoots and I'm really happy how these turned out.

Photo-shoot+ Break Annoucment

Hello dears, how is your summer going? I have a special announcement coming up at the end of this post, so stay tuned for that. Anyway, I w...