Monday, June 25, 2018

Trying to Trust Part 9

We are almost finished and I'm literally so excited! I was so sorry when I had to do this to Tammy, plus I hate peanut butter.

Previous Parts

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Last time on Trying to Trust
I hadn’t found anything yet, but I still had hope. Opening my laptop, I clicked on the search bar. Background check programs, download. After searching through some seedy looking websites, I found a program for a cheap price of 39.99$. Waiting for it to download, I wrote down the next phase of the plan. She couldn’t hide for long.

Trying to Trust Part 9

Peyton's POV:

I was just standing in the kitchen, making my harmless peanut butter and jam sandwich when Lexi strode in, strutting like a proud peacock. I groaned inward. This couldn't be good.
trying to ignore her, I took the thawed bread from the microwave. Digging around the fridge I found the peanut butter, but the jam wasn't to be found.
"April! We ran out of jam! Can you grab some on your way to the store?" I hollered to anyone who was listening.
"Is this it?" Lexi held out the jam.
"Oh, thanks! Why did you have it?" I reached for it, but she pulled back.
"Um.. Can I have that?" I asked annoyed.
"Not unless you tell me who you are and what you are doing Peyton Alice Morris, age 14." She bargained.
My jaw dropped. How did she know that? "How do you know that?" I demanded.
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="640"]
I never edited these photos, so please excues the greeness[/caption]
"Remember that picture I wanted for my dorm room?" I nodded and she contuined "Well, I also wanted it for a background check on you. You have lived a pretty interesting background."
I put my slice of bread calmly in my hand and lifted it above my head. With one fluid motion, I threw it right for Lexi's face.
It hit home.
While Lexi howled in frustration and anger, I ran out of the kitchen. It was no longer safe to stay here.

Lexi's POV:

A bruised ego and shower later, I wa already planning step 2. Now where do we keep the phone book?

What do you think of the almost end? Is it keeping you hooked or is it pretty mediocre?

- Carlye

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Trying to Trust Part 8

We are almost finished season 1! It is crazy!

Previous Parts:

Last time on Trying to Trust:

I hadn't found anything yet, but I still had hope. Opening my laptop, I clicked on the search bar. Background check programs, download. After searching through some seedy looking websites, I found a program for a cheap price of 39.99$. Waiting for it to download, I wrote down the next phase of the plan. She couldn't hide for long.

Trying to Trust Part 7

Lexi's POV:

I groaned in frustration and slumped down. A second later I sat back up. Just because this program crashed 4 times at 98% loaded wasn't a reason to be childish.
April walked into my room. I quickly switched the tabs to my chem. homework. "Do you want to go school shopping with Sarina and Riley?"
I blinked. It was June 19. They weren't yearning for new backpacks and paper. They wanted the pool parties, sleepovers and sunny days. Plus, I don't think the stores were selling binders and HB pencils. Right now the aisles were littered with inner tubes and skimpy bikinis. That was April, the overachiever. "I guess it would be nice to get out of the house."
I got off the floor and picked up my backpack. Making sure April wasn't looking, I quickly reloaded the program. Walking out of the room, I uttered a silent prayer that the thing would finally work.

Riley's POV

I didn't want to be browsing backpacks and binders right now, I wanted to be outside swimming in Grace's new pool or at the skate park with Brit. "Can we go home? I'm tired of shopping." I whined like a 2-year-old.
April looked at me and sighed, "I thought you liked shopping."
I snorted. "Did I tell you that when I was delirious? Plus, it isn't fun when you're awkwardly sitting on a bench with a pile of stuff beside."
She chuckled and disappeared into the sea of clothing. Lexi appeared beside me like a ghost.
"So Riley, are you friends with Peyton?" She asked, pushing my stuff aside to make room. I was tired of her peppering me with questions, but I answered anyway. "You could say that."
"What is her story?" Lexi was getting bold again.
"What do you think of the sunny weather that we are having today?" I asked, wincing at the sound of rumbling thunder and rain pattering on the roof of the bustling store.
April came out of the rows of clothes minutes later, Sarina in tow. "Gather your stuff Riley. I don't want to get caught in the thunderstorm.

Lexi's POV:

Locking the door, I dumped the bags on the floor. Turing the monitor on again, the screen portrayed the truth. I had everything I needed to know and more about Peyton. Her secrets were about to be revealed to the public. No more hiding.

So what do you think will happen next?

- Carlye

Monday, June 18, 2018

Trying to Trust (Part 7, Season 1)

I'm planning to finish this photo-story this week, so let's see if we can do this.

Previous Parts:

Last time on Trying to Trust:

I knew something weird was happening. They were acting very different compared to normal weird self. Maybe I should give Lexi a call. She could squeeze it out of them.

Trying to Trust Part 7


Lexi's POV:

It was nice to home for summer break. The stress of finales was behind me and I was ready to relax. I walked up to the front door and rang the bell.
The door swung open and 4 eager faces looked at me. It felt good to be home.
Stepping inside, I noticed a girl standing in the shadows. Her hair was dropped across her face and she didn't even attempt to make eye contact. She must be the newest sister.
After hugs, I walked over the Ms. Mysterious. Offering my hand out I said, "So what's your name? I'm Lexi."
She shook it and looked away. Must be shy like Sarina. Though I think she looked familiar.
I motioned for Riley and Alex to follow me. "We have to chat." I mouthed.
We walked into Riley and my's room. It felt good to be home surrounded by loving family.

Alex''s POV:

"I just have a few questions to ask." Lexi set her suitcase on the bed. She unclasped the case, then stood there waiting.
"Okay, shoot." Riley opened the backpack and dumped it on the bed. Her phone, charger, chapstick, and everything but the kitchen sink clattered to the floor or landed with a small thump on the bed.
"Well, for starters. Who is that new sister?" Lexi asked. She took a hanger out of the closet and a shirt from the suitcase.
"Oh, that's Peyton." I told her.
"And what's the big deal with her? She wouldn't even make eye contact with me." Lexi slipped the hanger onto the closet rod. Riley and I looked at each other, then nodded in silent agreement.
Riley bent over to pick up the red toothbrush. "So, how was finales?" I inquired.
Lexi rolled her eyes and declined the bait. "Quit trying to change the subject."
She tried and failed several times. I was like a concrete block, firm and hard. You couldn't get a word out of me.
We finished unpacking, so Riley and I left to go investigate Mrs. Murphy, our neighbor, and her creepy looking veggie garden.

Lexi's POV:

I hadn't found anything yet, but I still had hope. Opening my laptop, I clicked on the search bar. Background check programs, download. After searching through some seedy looking websites, I found a program for a cheap price of 39.99$. Waiting for it to download, I wrote down the next phase of the plan. She couldn't hide for long.
And we leave off at another cliffhanger. I just like making you wait for the next one.


Monday, June 4, 2018

Trying to Trust (Season 1, Part 6)

Well, you are lucky today to get this 20 days later than I promised. I'm sorry for that. But I spent the entire Memorial Day working on the rest of the photo-story and it is fully completed. (I'm Canadian, but our school celebrates Memorial Day because we have some American Students)

Previous Posts:

Last time on Trying to Trust

Alex and Riley whirled around, their faces bright red. “I guess I have to kill now.”

Trying to Trust Part 6

Peyton's POV

I laughed in their faces. I honestly couldn't help it. It was legendary.
"I'm innocent!" Alex spattered. "I didn't do anything!" He raised his hands in surrender.
"Expect snoop in my personal things, disobey April, and go behind my back." I pointed out. "But other than that your slate is pretty clean."
"Well..." He protested.
"I'm not going to kill you. It's an expression from the books," I explained rolling my eyes. This guy wasn't the brightest bulb in the box. "I'll explain everything in your room. Lead the way." I announced. Hopefully I wouldn't regret this later.

Riley's POV:

We're so close to finding out the truth. And now Peyton is handing it to use on a silver platter. What could be better? But this was way to awesome to be true.
"Alright. Time to spit out the truth after bottling it up." Zoey settled on my bed.  "You to are big snoops who act like 2nd graders running around the house giggling." She plucked the notebook from my hands.
"We're on a mission of find out the truth." Alex declared.
She smirked, trying to hide her amusement. "Well, I've been doing actual productive stuff while you have been trying to solve your mission."
"A mission for what?" April's voice drifted from the doorway. This was like a bad case of deja vu.
"A mission for saving the turtles." I informed April just was Alex blurted out, "A mission for launching the first tomato to the moon." Peyton was still smirking, clearly enjoying this whole ordeal.
"So what is it? The moon or the turtles?" A very puzzled and suspicious April asked.
"Actually, we're saving turtles from the wrath of the enemy tomatoes who are currently living on the moon." Peyton convinced April.
"Keep on saving..." April trailed off and left the room.

April's POV:

I knew something weird was happening. They were acting very different compared to normal weird self. Maybe I should give Lexi a call. She could squeeze it out of them.

That is all for today! Stay tuned for the next part coming soon!


Photo-shoot+ Break Annoucment

Hello dears, how is your summer going? I have a special announcement coming up at the end of this post, so stay tuned for that. Anyway, I w...